B&W image of netting blowing off of a scaffolding. B&W image close-up of rain on a dirty subway window. B&W image of a decaying wooden piling covered in barnacles on a beach alongside seatrash with a bridge in the background Color image of freight tankers lined up at sunset on a body of water.  Color image of rusted chain link fence gate alongside sand dunes covered in grass and brush. B&W image of chain link fence with brick wall and various pieces of debris wedged between them. Color image of a styrofoam cooler wedged in a reeds beneath a blue sky. Color image of orange pylon half-buried in the sand of a beach with yellow grass behind it under a blue sky. B&W image of twisted bare vines on a beach. Color image of the frame of a safe with all its walls corroded away filled with seaweed and trash on a beach. B&W image of East River bisected by its reflection in a plate glass window. B&W image of pier in the mist with tankers in the background. B&W image of bottles and trash on a beach. Color image of many bottle covering a beach. B&W image of white factory building. Six cinder blocks precariously stacked on top of each other next to a tree amidst brush in Winter. B&W image of a fallen white tree with black leaves on a white beach. Color image of an eroded cinder block half-wall covered in vines with a large wooden climbing structure behind it. Color image of trash and seaweed caught in the branches of a tree. B&W image of a jetty in a sound under a cloudy sky with the Statue of Liberty in the distance. Color image of concrete front of building with many patches labeled '192'. Color image of a faded 'NYPD' concrete barrier with fallen leaves in front of it. Color image of decayed pier extending out into a body of water with a sailboat in the distance. Color image of rusted set of wheels on an axle on a concrete foundation with weeds growing out of the cracks. Color image of tree in winter with a yellow glow at sunset under a blue sky. B&W image of a puddle at the end of a street showing the reflection of a tree above it. Color image of a Grain Terminal behind a baseball field right after sunset. B&W image of an abandoned grain terminal in an empty concrete lot with an overhead train line in the distance. Color image of 3 large concrete blocks on a concrete foundation next to a pile of bricks. B&W image of a door boarded up with plywood with dead vines growing over it. Color image of cobblestone street in front of red & white fence. Color image of broken toilet on concrete block in front of black chain link fence. B&W image of tire against an old old iron door set into a white painted brick wall with remnants of torn off wheatpast art on wall Color image of grain terminal in front of body of water under a partly cloudy blue sky. Color image of the view of a moon rising under a highway overpass at sunset. Color image of decaying wooden pilings on a beach in front of a body of water. Color image of a grain terminal and oil storage tanks separated by a channel of water.